Top 10 Things To Do Just In Case The World Ends In 2012
Folks, I don’t put much stock in all that hogwash about 2012 being some sort of Apocalyptic year. But, I’m also an advocate of being prepared. So, just in case the world ends in...
The World's Most Qualified Degree-less Doctor
Folks, I don’t put much stock in all that hogwash about 2012 being some sort of Apocalyptic year. But, I’m also an advocate of being prepared. So, just in case the world ends in...
This week, a video made its way around the Internet of a Texas judge hitting his 16-year-old with a belt. While the video is difficult to watch for some, I feel like...
As I’ve been telling you, you and I are going to change your life. Hopefully, you’re up to speed on this, because we’ll be a lot more effective in changing your life...
Folks, it’s time for a change. I don’t mean for me. I’m happy as a clam who has been invited to a clam honoring ceremony, in which he or she is about...