My boyfriend ruined my clothes! What now?
Dear Dr. Matt What do you do when your loved one puts your expensive wool items and cotton shirts in the dryer and they all come out ruined? HELP! -Laundry Disaster
The World's Most Qualified Degree-less Doctor
Dear Dr. Matt What do you do when your loved one puts your expensive wool items and cotton shirts in the dryer and they all come out ruined? HELP! -Laundry Disaster
Folks, I was talking to Loveleen, a friend of mine, who is a beautiful lesbian. I don’t mean she’s beautiful for a lesbian. I mean that she’s beautiful, and she’s also a...
I was talking to two newlywed clients, Tom and Julie. Tom and Julie had a problem. You see, Julie had recently decided that she wanted to move to Spain. She came to...
Now, I was having coffee with my friend, famous architect Jonathon Stembridge-Rickenbacker. Jon was a little upset, because his daughter had spontaneously left a university career behind when she was very close...